SparkFun Photon ProtoShield
SparkFun Photon ProtoShield
You can’t have any development board without some sort of prototyping area, the SparkFun Photon ProtoShield takes care of this. This ProtoShield mates easily with your Photon module and provides a small soldering area and separated power and I2C hook-ups. With the SparkFun Photon ProtoShield, you have the control over what kind of project you design for your Photon.
The Particle Photon is a tiny WiFi development kit for creating connected projects and products. Sporting a 120MHz ARM Cortex M3 and built-in WiFi, the Photon is not only powerful but easy to use. The small form factor is ideal for IoT projects with cloud-connectivity.
Note: Not only can this shield operate with the Photon, it can also be used with the Particle Core! We understand that there are a ton of you out there who still haven’t been able to get your hands on a Photon yet and would like to start playing with this shield now. If that person is you we hope we have obliged!