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Netvox LoRaWAN R103 Netvox LoRaWAN Sensors Configure Tool

R103 Netvox LoRaWAN Sensors Configure Tool

  • $349.00

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  • R103 Netvox LoRaWAN Sensors Configure Tool

    NETVOX R103 - Netvox LoRaWAN Configure tool is a USB dongle used for configuration all the Netvox LoRaWAN wireless sensor, it can be used to configure the Sub frequency band in AU915, and also used for add / change the default channel in AS923. 

    R103 is able to calibrate the Netvox sensor like Temperature and humidity and also the lighting luminous level. It provided another means to program the LoRaWAN sensor by not using the complicated downlink command.

    Netvox R103 supports to change the sensor periodic report time, threshold report level, ACK, ADR On/OFF, change of APPEUI and APPKEY..etc.


    User manual

    Netvox configure tools software

    Netvox LoRaWAN Catalog 

    Battery Calculator: 

    Netvox Battery Calculator 

    Netvox LoRa Command Resolver: 

    LoRa Command Resolver

    Payload Format and Examples

    Netvox LoRaWAN Application Command V1.9

    Netvox LoRaWAN Application Devicetype V1.9

    Example of payload (ConfigureCmd)_R718CK2

    example of payload (ReportDataCmd)

    Frequency Conversion (Sub frequencies of AU915)

    Lora Calibrate Tool User Manual

    Programming Instruction STlink



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