EZO-O2™ Oxygen Sensor Replacement Head- Atlas Scientific
EZO-O2™ Oxygen Sensor Replacement Head - Atlas Scientific
This product is used to replace the sensor head for the EZO-O2™ Embedded Oxygen Sensor.
*After the new sensing head has been installed, it is important to leave the sensor head connected to the EZO-O2™ (unpowered) for 24 hours.
After 24 hours, you may then issue the calibration command.
Reads: Gaseous O2
Range: 0 – 42% (2x atmospheric O2 levels)
Calibration: Factory calibrated
Pressure: Atmosphere only
Response time: 1 reading per second
Resolution: 0.01
Accuracy: +/- 0.01% (0.2 PPT)
Connector: 5 lead data cable
Cable length: 1 meter
Data protocol: UART and I2C
Default I2C Address: 108 (0x6c)
Data format: ASCII
Operating voltage: 3.3V – 5V
Life expectancy: ~3.5 years